Sunday, December 27, 2009

11.5 Thing 2

Wordle is a fun tool. Here's one I created using my blog's url:

Students will enjoy using Wordle to create word clouds of topics they are learning about. They could use a paper they've written as the text, and the larger print should be the main idea of their paper.

Voicethread seems really cool. I can definitely see this being used by students, similar to a photostory, but with the added bonus of being able to comment on photos or videos. I would love to use this next week when we return to school, (so students, by class, can comment on a short video about posting photos to the internet) but don't see how I can get everyone set up to comment in this amount of time.

I already am familiar with animotos, so I looked at Voki and created a talking avitar. However, I could not get it to display in this post. I put the provided code into the Html, but it just had a link to Voki where you would have to sign in. Anyway, it was fun. I just have to figure out what I did wrong, or it won't be very useful for me. I think an email with a talking message would be much more of an impact than a typed message.

Bookr is similar to photostory, but the turning pages make it feel more like a book. Students could use this to create "books" showing what they learned from various units of study. I found an example of one about different kinds of cats (wild and domestic), written in Spanish.

1 comment:

VWB said...

will look at voki to see if I can tell what is happening...I remember it being pretty easy to add using the html selection for the sidebar.