Sunday, January 17, 2010

11.5 Thing 4 - Video Hosting

I created a new photostory to upload to teacher tube, which I already have an account with. It is very easy to upload videos. If they okay my new video, I'll post it to my blog, but it's been 22 minutes and they still haven't, so . . . . of course, it is Sunday.

Having teaching/learning videos available online at sites such as Teacher Tube or You Tube is great. I have used videos from these sites in my lessons in the past (this year, as part of my internet safety classes) by embedding them in flipcharts. Students show more interest and thus are more actively involved in lessons when they see it's a video from one of these sites -- I think they realize it's not going to be something old and boring. And yes, I've had to do the Zamzar thing in the past, so I can access the video at school.

I think one of the biggest advantages to uploading student work would be the sense of satisfaction and accomplishment that students feel at having their work online for others to see. Publishing is great for self-esteem. Also, students would be able to view classmates' work and comment on it.

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