Sunday, April 6, 2008

Thing 19

There are lots of websites to look at for this Thing! I chose netvibes to explore. This is a site that lets you make your own webpage and have everything you want all in one place. You can have your favorite websites, blogs, email, search engines, podcasts, widgets, all there in one place. It looks really useful. I know I'm so confused by all the different Things I've joined to explore, but this is a way to organize all those Things.

In a Library setting, I can see this as useful to me as a Librarian, having all the different web info I need to manage my library linked to one page, so it's easy to find what I need when I need it. I'm really glad I chose this site to explore, because I was wondering how I was going to keep everything straight! I think this one is worth checking out, if you haven't already.

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